The Origin Of Cheah Surname

Originated from Jiang (Kneoh) which surnamed from a county’s name.
Ancestral Name: Bao Shu Tang, Chen Liu Tang.
County Surname: Chen Liu County.

The Sek Tong Seah clan consists of the descendants of Yan Di Shen Nong. Jiang Zi Ya, the 56th generation grandson of Yan Di, assisted King Zhou Wu in defeating the Zhou of Shang Dynasty in 1122 B.C and he was appointed as “General in Battle and Premier in Court”. The Cheah clan was famous and respected during the reign of Jin Dynasty. Ten generations later, Shen Bo or Cheah Sin Pek who was born during the Chou Dynasty became the brother-in-law of King Zhou Xuan and he was conferred with Xie (Cheah) title, somewhere near Chen Liu in Henan (presently known as Wan Cheng in Nan Yang District of Henan). He adopted the name of his county as his surname and he became the first great ancestor of the Xie (Cheah) clan.

History of Sek Tong Seah, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China.

During the reign of emperor Tang Min Wang in the last year of the Thean Poh during the Tang Dynasty, a rebel named Aun Loo Sun invaded the capital and forced the emperor to flee. In this connection, two generals Teoh Soon and Khaw Wan from the Sek Tong Seah in Fukien Province were commanded to guard the Hwa Yang gate to stop the rebels. However, these two generals were unfortunately killed. However, the imperial army was finally victorious and peace was restored.

The Tang Emperor having heard of the sacrifices made, posthumously bestowed the title of Hock Haw in honour of their services.” Hock Haw” means “Prosperous Marquis” in English.

As a result of this high honour, they were subsequently worshipped as deities in our village of Sek Tong together with the founder of Sek Tong Seah.

Xie An (320-385AD) who was a premier of eastern Jin Dynasty, was a 36th generation descendent of Cheah clan founder Cheah Sin Pek. Xie An was conferred the honorific title “Khong Hui Seng Ong”.

In the 8th moon of 383AD, Xie An sent his generals, Xie Shi(his 6th brother), Xie Xuan(his nephew) also known as Da Shi Ye and Xie Yan(his 2nd son) to fight a battle.

Cheah Beng Him also known as Cheah Tong San, one of the 85th generation grandsons of Shen Bo was born in 1233. Towards the end of 13th century, he moved to settle down in Sek Tong Village in the subdivision of Sam Tor, Hai Teng District of Cheang Chew in Fukien (presently known as Shi Tang Village of Hai Cheng District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China) and he became the progenitor of the Sek Tong Seah clan. During the late period of Manchu Emperor Qian Long in the 18th century, due to economical stagnation in Southern Fukien including Sek Tong Village, the Cheah clansmen left their village and braved through the stormy seas to look for greener pastures overseas. From a partial record of the Cheah Genealogy compiled in the early reign of Manchu Emperor Tong Zhi, there were 110 clansmen buried in Penang between the 18th century during the reign of Manchu Emperor Qian Long and mid19th century during the reign of Manchu Emperor, Xian Feng. This reflects the sufferings encountered by the Cheah clansmen during the early development of Penang and also the fact that Penang was an important destination for the Cheah clans in their emigration to South East Asia.

Establishment of Penang Cheah Ancestral Temple

Seh Tek Tong Cheah Kongsi (FKA, Cheah Si Hock Haw Kong Kongsi) was formed in 1810 by the Cheah clansmen of Sek Tong Village, Hai Teng Kuan, District of Sam Tor, Cheang Chew Prefecture, Fukien Province, who have settled down overseas and together with their descendants in Penang, they later, constructed the present magnificent clan ancestral temple.

The meeting hall was built in the year 1918 and renovated in 1932. The clansmen in Penang were either descendants of Toh Beng and Toh Kee. Besides striving hard to accumulate personal wealth, they did not forget the worshipping of their two patron deities, Hock Haw Kong which they brought along from Liu She An Temple in their village. At the same time they did not forget to explore means to integrate their fellow clansmen for purpose of mutual assistance and self-defence.

The first landed property purchased was at T.S. 20 Georgetown in the name of “Jee Oui Hock How Kong” on May 25, 1810. The pioneer leaders at that time were Seah ning Conghow, Cheah Oh Soye, Cheah Kay and Cheah Gnow Sooe, On 2nd July, 1828, Cheah Chengin, Cheah Lye Eam and Cheah (Tai) Pang, Trustees for “Cheah Kay Hock How Kong”, purchased the site of the present ancestral temple. The Kongsi served as conveyor of traditional patriarchal clan rules in order to promote a rational social order of mutuality and harmony among the Cheah clansmen. In 1858, under the leadership of Cheah Chow Phan, Cheah Teow Koh and Cheah Phaik Ee, the clansmen successfully unite to erect the ancestral temple at a cost of $12,367.00 from fund of clansmen from China and the balance from the pioneers members. The temple was completed in 1873 and it was then called Chong Tek Tong Cheah Kay Beow.

In 1891, Cheah Oon Heap officially registered the Cheah Kongsi with the Registrar of Societies and the Board of Trustees was formed from 14 members from the ten sections namely Sai Suah, Chooi Thau, Eh Boey, Tcheng Kow, OwKow, Ho Boey, Teng Tang Kheh, Eh Tang Kheh, Eh Choo and Thaw Theah to handle its affairs. In 1912, the Board of Trustees chaired by Cheah Choo Ewe successfully acquired the Cheah Sek Tong Family Cemetery and thenceforth the Sek Tong Cheah clansmen have their own family cemetery. In 1917, Sek Tong Cheah Si Eok Chye School mooted by Cheah Soo Tuan and other trustees was opened until 1945. After the second world war, the authorities said that the premise was not suitable and the Kongsi instead decided to give scholarships and financial aids to the children of Sek Tong Cheah clan to study in Chinese and English Government Schools in the State of Penang. This was to encourage clansmen to eliminate illiteracy which played a positive social significance. In 1933, the ancestral hall did major restoration and unified the Penang ancestral hall name and Sek Tong ancestral hall name, was called as Sek Tong Cheah Si Seh Tek Tong Hock Haw Kong Kongsi.

In the past there were several prominent trustees who had served the Kongsi diligently, like Cheah Choo Yew, Cheah Cheang Lim, Cheah Phee Cheok, Cheah Tek Thye and Cheah Tek Soon. In 2000, the Rules and Regulations of Cheah Kongsi was amended and the number of Trustees have been increased to 20, two each from each sections (Kark Thau); The 10 Kark Thau take turns to prepare the annual rituals activities. The 22nd December winter solstice ritual, Trustees Members flip cup to elect the chief who presided over the sacrificial ceremony in front of Khong Hui Seng Ong. The new furnace worship ceremony also perform during the winter solstice day. The Kongsi continues the many practices of clan rules, religion, education and welfare work as enshrined in its Rules and Regulations.

It keeps up with the traditional system of nominating 4 Trustees each with Khoo, Yeoh, Lim and Tan Kongsi (known as the five big Hokkien clan kongsis in early Penang) to sit on the Board of Trustees of Hokkien Kongsi, Penang. Besides, Cheah Kongsi together with the Khoo clans and Yeoh clans, whose villages are at the foot of Sam Quaye Hill (San Kuai Ning) formed the Sam Quaye Tong Kongsee to settle any disputes, if any, among themselves amicably and also to strengthen their relationship formed since the 19th century until today. Cheah Kongsi also has trustees nominees at the respective Boards of Trustees Victoria Green, Penang, Sam Toh Bean Lok Keok and Kong Hock Keong Temple, an apex religious organization. This helps in maintaining the good relationship and inter-segmental interactions among the leaders of the Chinese society since the olden days.

The Seh Tek Tong Cheah Kongsi, established in 1810, is one of the oldest Hokkien Kongsi in Penang. With the esteemed status and experience of their past clansmen of Sek Tong Seah clan in vitalizing themselves with the solid historical past, it is believed that their new generations of clansmen would be in a better position to explore much wider into the cultural aspects and also to work with other clan societies in achieving a wider social network.
On 1st April 2011, the Kongsi was registered and known as SEH TEK TONG CHEAH KONGSI.



谢姓出自姜姓,以邑为氏堂号: 宝树堂,陈留堂郡望: 陈留郡



在唐闵王统治的天宝年间,安史之乱领袖安禄山攻入首都,皇帝被迫逃离.在这时刻,福建省石塘社两位将军张巡和许远被吩咐守卫华阳门停止叛军. 然而,这两位将军不幸被杀了.无论如何, 帝国军队最后胜利和恢复和平.

唐闵王在得知两位将军的牺牲之后,授予福侯称号以纪念他们的服务。” 福侯 ” 的意思是英文的 “ 昌盛的侯爵 ” .

随着崇高的荣誉,他们联同石塘社创始人谢安随后被石塘族人供奉为神明, 谢安被授予 ” 广惠圣王 ” 称号.

谢安(320-385ad)东晋著名政治家,是谢氏创始人谢申伯第三十六后代。谢安被授予 ”广惠圣王” 称号.


申伯的第85代孙谢铭欣,生于1233年,是石塘谢氏肇基祖,称东山公。13世纪末迁彰州海澄,世居三都石塘社。 18世纪乾隆末年,闽南各地民生凋疲,许多闽南人包括石塘谢氏族人因而离乡背景,远渡重洋,寻求新的生计。据同治初年刊印的《谢氏家乘》不完全的统计显示,自18世纪乾隆至19世纪中叶咸丰年间,卒葬槟榔屿的石塘谢氏族人先躯共计110人,然而,皇家军队终于取得了胜利,并恢复了和平,初步反映他们参与拓荒垦殖过程的艰辛与牺牲,也直接说明槟榔屿是谢氏族人移民南洋的主要港埠。


石塘谢氏世德堂福侯公公司,简称谢氏福侯公公司,始创于1810年。是中国厦门海澄三都石塘社谢氏族人在海外生息繁衍,在槟城聚族而居后所建的大宗祠。会议大厅建于1918年,修复于1932。在槟榔屿落脚的谢氏族人都是杜明和杜记的后代.除了积极于个人的生计外,谢氏族人也不忘供奉原乡六社庵两位福侯公的香火,同时凝聚族人,互助自卫。1810年5月25日,谢家先人开始以“二位福侯公”的名义,购置乔治市20区范围内土地的第一项产业。当时的领导人是谢清恩,谢藕水,谢房与谢掩4人。 1828年谢清恩,谢掩与谢(大)房联合以“谢家福侯公公司”的正式名称,购置了以后建立宗庙的现址。自此以后一直到1860年代,公司积极执行族人感载祖德,守望相助的传统宗法,也不断累积公司族产。 1858年,谢昭盼,谢绍科和谢伯夷等,成功领导族人动用族产祖项12367元建造现有宗祠,供奉两位乡土保护神福侯公,称宗德堂谢家庙。 1891年,由谢允协领导正式注册为谢公司,并由石塘谢氏西山,水头,霞美,前郊,后郊,河尾,顶东坑,下东坑, 涂埕和下厝十个角头的后代共14人组成信理委员会负责一切活动事务。

1912年,谢自友所领导的信理委员会成功申办石塘谢氏家冢,自此石塘谢氏族人在离开人世拥有一片只供自家人长眠的福地。 1917年,谢四端等所筹设的石塘谢氏育才学校开课,同年石塘谢氏世德堂福侯公公司也宣布对在槟榔屿受中、英文教育的谢氏子弟颁发奖助学金。自1945年第二次世界大战以后,英政府觉得会所不适合再主办义学。因此信理会决定颁发奖助学金以鼓励谢氏子弟对教育的重视。这对当时鼓励族人受教育扫除文盲方面,起着积极的社会意义。 1933年,宗祠进行大重修,并统一了槟榔屿大宗祠与石塘社祖祠的名字,称为石塘谢氏世德堂福侯公公司。
过去曾有数位显著的信理员如谢自友,谢昌霖,谢丕雀,谢德泰及谢德順。 2000年,石塘谢氏世德堂福侯公公司会员大会接纳新订章程,内容主要增加信理员人数至20人,由10个角头各举2人出任此终身职位;每年的祭祀活动,由十个角头轮流筹备进行。12月22日的冬至祭祀,则由信理委员会在广惠尊王面前掷杯选出主祭者主持祭祀典礼。新炉主的进主仪式也在冬至这一天进行。修改章程后的石塘谢氏世德堂福侯公公司继续执行章程内有关宗法,宗教,教育与福利等措施。并且循用旧制与邱,杨,林,陈(俗称槟城早期的五大姓氏公司)组成福建公司,各公司分别委派4名信理员主要工作包括管理清云岩蛇庙,城隍庙,清龙宫,受天宫,与水美宫这五大庙宇的营运.



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